
China officially known as the People’s Republic of China is a country located in East Asia and also the world’s most populated country in the world. With the highest population, it is also the third-largest country and also the fourth-most visited country in the world. China is governed by the communist party of China and a unitary one-party system. China emerges as one of the first civilizations in the fertile basin land of the Yellow River. China’s tourism has been growing rapidly and developing rapidly and the political background of China is based upon the monarchy system beginning with the semi-mythical Xia dynasty in the 21century BCE since then China expanded fractured and reunified numerous times. The majority of people living in China have been following Buddhism with others too in minority. Data from 2016 indicates that the majority of China’s foreign tourists came from Hong Kong.

Package (s)

  • China Tour Package

    China Tour Package

    6 Days